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Courses, classes, trainings - e-learning, online courses, distance learning We offer you courses in person:

Reiki courses - with Reiki courses you will be able to freely use Reiki therapy on your own. Reiki is commonly used in hospital and beauty salons in the West. Take your health into your own hands - learn and use Reiki treatments.

and online courses (e-learning - by educational platform):

Online courses - learn comfortably at home through modern e-learning platform (start in April)! Sign up for interesting online training.

PsychoNeuroRegulation. The mind affects the body - this is a scientifically proven fact. Your thoughts, expectations, feelings and attitudes have impact on your health. Learn how to use that fact to your advantage. Sign up for the PNI course - mental techniques for health where we will thoroughly explain to you how exactly you affect on your body with your mind. You will be able to train many interesting techniques that will be beneficial to your health. Don't be helpless in the face of illness - sign up for the PNI course and use the power of your mind and special mental techniques to improve your health.

Relaxation techniques Stress is one of the causes of cancer. Free yourself from stress and improve your health and well-being with this practical course of relaxation techniques. Stress negatively affects the quality of life, work and relationships; it destroys health and causes early aging of the body - learn and practice relaxation techniques and take control of your stress.

The list of courses is expanding.

Do you want more details? Read website or contact me.

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Reiki - discover healing energy in your hands

Courses of Reiki therapy

What is Reiki? Reiki it's a healing energy.
The positive effect of Reiki on health is scientifically proved. That is why Reiki is commonly used in hospital and beauty salons in many countries.
You can learn, how to use it to improve the health of yours and others. With Reiki courses you will be able to freely use Reiki therapy on your own. Take your health into your own hands - learn and use Reiki treatments...

|Courses| Read more about Reiki courses


E-learning, online courses, distance learning

E-learning is a modern and convenient method of the acquisition of knowledge. Thanks to it, you can complete courses from anywhere in the world, at the time of your choice. All you need is a computer and the Internet.
You can learn and improve your knowledge without leaving your home!
Besides thanks to e-learning you save your money and time...

|Courses| Read more about e-learning

PsychoNeuroRegulation - how to use the power of mind to heal yourself

Use your mind to heal yourself

Your mind affects your health! Your thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, stress or relaxation are of great significance to the immunity of your body to illnesses and diseases. These facts have all been proven by modern medical science called psychoneuroimmunology. You can find out how the mind affects health from a scientific point of view. You can also learn mental techniques that will make your health better! And all this without even leaving home...

|Courses| Find out more about how to use the healing power of your mind

Relaxation techniques - how to relieve stress and be healthier


According to many scholars, stress is the cause of all illnesses and diseases since it lowers the body's immunity. It is also believed that stress increases the risk of cancer. Besides, stress has a negative impact on mental health as well as the quality of work and relationships.
You don't have to give in to stress!
Learn how to relax effectively, increase resistance to stress and level its pernicious effects...

|Courses| Find out more about the course of relaxation techniques


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  • Reiki Courses of Reiki therapy - power of healing in your hands

  • Online courses What are online courses and why they are valuable

  • Using online courses How to use online courses - practical guid for free!

  • PNR - online course How you can affect on your health by your mind - online course

  • Relaxation techniques - online course Free yourself from stress and improve your health!


    Online courses, e-learning


    Reiki course, training of Reiki therapy, Reiki classes in treatments

    Jak umysłem wpływać na zdrowie - kurs

    The healing mind - PsychoNeuroRegulation - online course

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