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Evidence of Reiki - experiments, researches

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Evidence of Reiki - experiments, researches

Reiki - experiments, researches The effect of Reiki has been scientifically validated.
A significant contribution to the development of research on the effects of Reiki has been made by one of the doctors from Hartford Hospital in Hardfort, Connecticut in the USA.
By 1995, almost 60 000 Reiki treatments have been carried out. Their results were made available on the website of the hospital.

Read more about what is Reiki

The doctors have found, for example, the positive effects of Reiki in various inflammatory conditions (which, in fact, form the majority of diseases), pain (including cancer-related pain), weakened immunity and other health problems.

Read about Reiki in the world

They have also found that Reiki affects the psyche as well - it reduces stress, improves mood and quality of sleep, reduces depression and anxiety, helps childbirths, eliminates insomnia. The most interesting, however, is that, according to the doctors, performing Reiki treatments from time to time, before and after transplantation, results in exactly zero percent rejection of transplanted organs. This is a very important fact.

Read more about effects of Reiki

Furthermore, if Reiki treatments are used for some time before and after surgery or a heart transplant, post-operative depression usually occurring in all patients undergoing these operations, does not appear.

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Reiki - discover healing energy in your hands

Courses of Reiki therapy

What is Reiki? Reiki it's a healing energy.
The positive effect of Reiki on health is scientifically proved. That is why Reiki is commonly used in hospital and beauty salons in many countries.
You can learn, how to use it to improve the health of yours and others. With Reiki courses you will be able to freely use Reiki therapy on your own. Take your health into your own hands - learn and use Reiki treatments...

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E-learning, online courses, distance learning

E-learning is a modern and convenient method of the acquisition of knowledge. Thanks to it, you can complete courses from anywhere in the world, at the time of your choice. All you need is a computer and the Internet.
You can learn and improve your knowledge without leaving your home!
Besides thanks to e-learning you save your money and time...

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PsychoNeuroRegulation - how to use the power of mind to heal yourself

Use your mind to heal yourself

Your mind affects your health! Your thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, stress or relaxation are of great significance to the immunity of your body to illnesses and diseases. These facts have all been proven by modern medical science called psychoneuroimmunology. You can find out how the mind affects health from a scientific point of view. You can also learn mental techniques that will make your health better! And all this without even leaving home...

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Relaxation techniques - how to relieve stress and be healthier


According to many scholars, stress is the cause of all illnesses and diseases since it lowers the body's immunity. It is also believed that stress increases the risk of cancer. Besides, stress has a negative impact on mental health as well as the quality of work and relationships.
You don't have to give in to stress!
Learn how to relax effectively, increase resistance to stress and level its pernicious effects...

|Courses| Find out more about the course of relaxation techniques


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